Sunday, September 16, 2007

Unofficial Notes for Sunday, September 16, 6247 (2007)


Review of Previous Class
  • Is is better to refer to neters as masculine/femine vs. male/female? Discussion regarding compliments and duality, and the role of both in creation
  • Reviews the medu netcher for "Heka"; can not have practice without heka, such as libation or prayer
    • Heka is a divine power, which can be invoked
    • Does heka require utterance?
    • The essential components of heka include: (1) purpose, (2) motivation, (3) gesture; heka is everywhere; Creator called upon the power of heka at the time of Creation
    • There could be no maat without heka
  • Have healers or "specialists" who persons go to for guidance/counseling/healing, not because they have any special "magic" but because they've invested more time in the "study" and due to their own special nature
    • Persons reflect on persons who were divine and special in their lives - whose energies they could feel, or whose prayers were impacting
    • Must be careful about suggesting that many people may serve in a priestly role, because although many people may be trained in the ways of ritual, it does require specific training
    • Persons must be informed, they must study and practice; doing an invocation for example, is a serious practice, and not to be taken casually
    • Many of us can serve and help others, as "healers" but must know their limitations, to avoid causing any harm
  • From the reading, "The Role of Priests" from the "Temples and Priests"
  • There were a number of priests in Kemet; but
  • Discussing the "Opening of the Mouth Ritual" at Dr. Hilliard's memorial, which is to purify a space prior to calling the deceased
    • Asks, how does it work without having the remains, and instead substituting with an image? Does the tradition support the use of the image?
    • Describes a woman who came to the image after the ritual, and "spoke" to Dr. Hillard, thanking him for his work; another said it was like "being in the Valley of the Kings"
    • Doesn't suggest it works with everyone equally well, but certainly for those who are plugged in - and are touched by the heka
  • Reviewing our rituals
    • When pouring libation all of the ancestors are not know to all
  • Wants to make sure that we provide more time for discussion about the roles of women in the priestly class, since we didn't spend as much time as we would have liked, although it was included in the reading
Next Session
  • Providing handout for the next session from the "Complete Temples of Egypt", p. 52-79
    • Made a change due to our conversation about our move to the next facility, and what they place should look like given our theology; so will examine how they designed and laid out their temples
  • Persons should read the article and identify the important spaces in a temple described in the article; (1) such as the outside space leading to the temple, the series of spaces as you move into the main temple; (2) describe the function of the major parts of the temple - focusing on its practical function; (3) describe its symbolic meaning, such as the shapes of pillars
    • Thus we'll attempt to translate the ancient temples designs to our next place, recognizing that we're probably moving into a regular building with offices/classes

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