Sunday, October 21, 2007

Unofficial Notes for Sunday, October 21, 6247

Completed class assessments

  • Discussing the use of oils, and annointment
  • When persons are annointed with lavender/euculyptus oils, they are receiving healing powers
  • Lavender of Neb-het; lavender is purple in color, and Nebt-het means "lady of the house", one of her qualities is to bless the home, she is also the netcher to help during times of stress; relates to her anxiety and guilt over her transgression with Asar, and her eventual forgiveness by Aset
  • Euculyptus of Aset; one of her qualities is as a healer
  • Euculyptus is excellent as a scent for clearing the airways
  • The oils are to bless the community
  • The use of oils in any practice is a bit different than using incense; with oils you must keep your area clean, the residue from the lavender is very heavy (must less from euculyptus); must really keep the lamps very clean
  • Oil burners which the oil is put in, causing it to go from liquid to gas, and if you're not careful it can flame up
  • Sometimes the oils smell can be a bit strong, so need to find the right amount
  • Why does the annointment generally occur to the forehead; pineal gland is the first shakra - have not seen writings on the shakra, result to some degree, of blending different traditions and drawing from different cultures
  • Discusses the production and release of melatona
  • Hymm to Amen-Ra is so important because it reflects the sleep-wake cycle; the "so called worship of the sun" is an acknowledgement between the sun and the rhythm of life

Oils in the Sacred Images (medu neter)

  • Shows images from Kemet displaying the use of oils in jars; in one picture we see oils from the water lilly (so called lotus flower)
  • Showing pictures of the 7 sacred oils with their names (not certain about the translation to English); usually each oil has a uniquely shaped jar
  • Shows oils depicted on an offering platter

Festival of Epet

  • Divine statues (all three) are moved along a processional route
  • On the teturn they put the boats on boats and make their way north; the festival lasts about 7 days
  • Shows images from Kemet showing where the procession took place
  • Procession shows drummers, stick players, acrobats

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Info from Sunday, October 14


  1. Prepare food and drink offerings
  2. Remove your shoes
  3. Wash your hands, face and mouth
  4. Move your shrine box to its place of orientation (if it was stored elsewhere)
  5. Kneel on the floor (or sit in a chair) before your shrine box
  6. Open and set up the shrine
  7. Bow before your shrine
  8. Anoint your forehead with a perfume, cologne or natural oil of your choosing
  9. Light incense and place it in a censer (incense holder)
  10. Ring a chime or hand-held bell to focus your attention
  11. Recite an excerpt from a hymn to Amen (or Amen Ra)
  12. Recite a summary version of The Declarations of Innocence as a verbal “Presentation of Ma’at”. (If you have a figurine, present it as you speak.)
  13. Gather your food and drink offerings
  14. Purify them with censing and sprinkled water
  15. Present your food offering while reciting a short version of the “Hetep Di Nesu”2
  16. Pour or sprinkle a libation. (You may use the “Akan Model.”)
  17. Ring your chime or bell
  18. Meditate
  19. Request that all sentient beings be blessed, especially the ill, suffering and poor
  20. Give thanks for your blessings (and place a request, if you so desire)
  21. Revert (consume) the remaining food and drink offerings
  22. Bow towards your shrine uttering words of closing (for example, “khetem”)
  23. Clean and store your shrine implements. (Do not store lighted incense or embers.)
  24. Close and reposition your shrine box (if this applies).

1 The temple ritual was performed twice daily; at dawn and sundown.

2 “A gift I provide so that my ancestors will receive offerings that are pure.”


Dr. Raymond Davis, 10/13/07