Sunday, October 21, 2007

Unofficial Notes for Sunday, October 21, 6247

Completed class assessments

  • Discussing the use of oils, and annointment
  • When persons are annointed with lavender/euculyptus oils, they are receiving healing powers
  • Lavender of Neb-het; lavender is purple in color, and Nebt-het means "lady of the house", one of her qualities is to bless the home, she is also the netcher to help during times of stress; relates to her anxiety and guilt over her transgression with Asar, and her eventual forgiveness by Aset
  • Euculyptus of Aset; one of her qualities is as a healer
  • Euculyptus is excellent as a scent for clearing the airways
  • The oils are to bless the community
  • The use of oils in any practice is a bit different than using incense; with oils you must keep your area clean, the residue from the lavender is very heavy (must less from euculyptus); must really keep the lamps very clean
  • Oil burners which the oil is put in, causing it to go from liquid to gas, and if you're not careful it can flame up
  • Sometimes the oils smell can be a bit strong, so need to find the right amount
  • Why does the annointment generally occur to the forehead; pineal gland is the first shakra - have not seen writings on the shakra, result to some degree, of blending different traditions and drawing from different cultures
  • Discusses the production and release of melatona
  • Hymm to Amen-Ra is so important because it reflects the sleep-wake cycle; the "so called worship of the sun" is an acknowledgement between the sun and the rhythm of life

Oils in the Sacred Images (medu neter)

  • Shows images from Kemet displaying the use of oils in jars; in one picture we see oils from the water lilly (so called lotus flower)
  • Showing pictures of the 7 sacred oils with their names (not certain about the translation to English); usually each oil has a uniquely shaped jar
  • Shows oils depicted on an offering platter

Festival of Epet

  • Divine statues (all three) are moved along a processional route
  • On the teturn they put the boats on boats and make their way north; the festival lasts about 7 days
  • Shows images from Kemet showing where the procession took place
  • Procession shows drummers, stick players, acrobats

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